Friday, September 19, 2014

Welcome to the 2014-2015 Preschool Classes!

The class was very excited about the arrival of our goldfish.

Pouring and filling with rainbow rice

Not just running the cash register , but keeping track of his business too!

Working on our our cutting skills with playdo

Concepts of small, medium and large are introduced through this game.

Mixing up Cloud dough, which is very soft and the consistency of pie crust

Already reading a pattern book!  Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Working on sharing and communicating while at playdo

Having fun with blowing bubbles after a birthday party

Serious cooking with cloud dough

Our preschoolers love playing store.  They are developing their money sense and counting skills

More Rainbow Rice a great way to share

The last step in our dough fun...a science experiment where we turn cloud dough into fizzy dough by adding drops of vinegar

Friday, February 21, 2014

February Fun

Favorite February Moments:

I love it when my 6th Grade Helpers get to teach!
After realizing our helper had the same new shoes she asked her to put them on and they proceeded to tie their matching shoes!

After getting out the doctor kit I gave them notepads to write "prescriptions".  Pediatricians in the making!!
Spontaneous prayer:  They set up a meal and pray before pretend meals too.
You can have all the pretend chocolate you want!

Making mud scientifically with sand, soil and snow.  They said it was the "best activity ever!"

Parents help make great Valentine Parties!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Christmas Centers 2013

Gingerbread Playdough

Mixing up some Christmas Cookies

Building to new heights

Nativity Play

snuggle & cuddle

Skills on the Computers

Candy Cane Hockey League

Decorating Christmas Trees

Kindergartners reading to us!

Tracing on the Tablet (Uno book)

 Christmas Pictures with Santa!!

Penguin Pal process art