We started the first week of school by getting to know our new friends in the class. Below are some pictures of our classroom showing how we spend our day.
Circle Time
This is where I read stories, teach the students to count the days on the calendar, dress for the weather sing songs, and learn our letter of the week and more!
Art Center
This is where we paint, use a chalkboard, get our play dough and supplies for other art exploration!
Listening Center
We can listen to books on CD with a friend
Computer Center
We will use preschool software and websites with the teacher or 6th grade helper
Puzzles, Books, Games, Legos and Blocks
We put together puzzles and look at books daily before or after snack
Discovery Table
The students explore basic science as they play in different materials such as moon sand, water, beads and more
The Kitchen Center
Where kids learn social skills as they cook and care for dolls , each other and especially the teachers!
I hope you have enjoyed the first couple of snapshots of our classroom!